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Be Smart Now So You Don't Have to Think Later

Preparing healthy and delicious meals in less time just takes a little scheduling. My favorite tip: cook once, eat twice (or more!) This is the best way I know to make mealtime more efficient. You might have heard this referred to as "batch cooking.” Here's what you do:

Pick a cooking day. Instead of cooking every night, pick a day or two when you'll cook for the week ahead. Sure, you'll spend a little more time in the kitchen on your cooking day(s), but you'll get an extra hour or two the other days (or evenings) of the week.

Double or triple your recipes when cooking. When you prepare more than you need for one meal, you’ll have plenty to pack for lunches and future dinners. If you’ll have brown rice with a couple of meals this week, cook it in batches. If you bought a head of broccoli, roast it all for the week and use half now, half later. Learn to love leftovers!

Have it your way. Try different ways to eat the same meals; if you're grilling chicken breasts, make extra to chop and include in salads or soups. If you're cooking quinoa, make extra and the next day, add some cooked spinach or kale, beans and raw veggies for a quinoa-based salad – served warm or cold.

Prepare for the next day tonight. If you pack a lunch, select your favorite mix of leftovers the night before, and pack it in an insulated lunch box. Include everything you'll need to enjoy the meal at work, school, or wherever you'll be for lunch. Don’t forget to grab your lunch box before you head out in the morning!

Package well. Remember the high-quality storage containers you bought? Use them to store your pre-cut veggies, fruits and leftovers in single-serving or family-sized portions, then freeze or refrigerate them. When you’re ready to prepare a meal, just take out the number of containers you need for the number of people eating with you, warm them up and serve.

When you cook in batches, you’ll begin to find your own favorite tips and short cuts. My clients who have tried this approach say it’s made their lives so much easier. Let’s get together and brainstorm some strategies that will help you in the reality of your life!

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