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How to Avoid a Smartphone Addiction

Admittedly, smartphones make life a lot easier when it comes to finding new places or looking up information right at our fingertips. We can respond to work emails while on the go and truly multi-task like never before. However, most of us need a little help with putting down the smartphone and actually engaging in the real world more often. Wouldn't you agree?

Teach yourself the art of timeouts

While there will be times when you need your phone, you’ll want to train yourself to limit the time spent mindlessly scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, or whatever else you’ve got on there. Choose a time of day that works for you and make it a phone-free zone. Use this time instead to engage with the kids, your spouse, or yourself without using your phone. It will help you feel more connected to what matters, and help let go of the habit of using the phone to fill any free time you have.

Bid adieu to unnecessary apps

How many apps are on your phone? Now, how many of them do you NEED? Interesting, isn’t it? You don’t have to stay away forever, but rather, limit accessing them to the time you’re on your computer. If you really MUST keep certain apps on your phone, disable the push notifications so you’ll stop picking up your phone every time you get a notification. The freedom you'll feel just from having a clutter-free phone is amazing, believe me!

But, install one more app that will help

So, while unnecessary apps need to go, you should replace them with one app that tracks your screen time. Apps like Moment and BreakFree are just a couple of the more known ones. You can even coordinate them with your whole family so dinner time can truly be spent interacting with each other again, just like the good old days!

Make mindful activities more prevalent on a daily basis

Being addicted to your smartphone is the same as any addiction. Replacing it with a healthier alternative takes some getting used to, but after a while, it just feels right without it. Instead of mindlessly scrolling along when you feel bored, try some exercise, read a book, or do something else that nourishes your soul or brings you closer to the people in your life.

Smartphones are definitely here to stay, but learning how to detach yourself from them long enough to live in reality is important for a more fulfilling life. Try it and see how much you’ve been missing out on while you’ve been staring at your screen.

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