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Why You Aren't Losing Weight

If you are concerned because you aren’t losing weight, despite your best efforts, then you will know how frustrating this can be. You may feel as though nothing you do ends up getting you the results you need, and this can really wreck your motivation. Let’s go through some reasons why you might not me seeing the weight loss progress you’ve been hoping for.

You’re Not Sleeping Enough

Did you know that you aren’t as likely to workout or go to the gym if you don’t get enough sleep? Lack of sleep can leave you feeling hungry, as well, and we all know that you’re not just eating more vegetables and lean protein, right? This comes down to two essential hormones, leptin and ghrelin. Ghrelin signals to you that you are hungry and leptin stops that feeling. If you have low leptin through lack of sleep then this can slow down your metabolism and you may even find that you end up feeling constantly hungry as a result. Sleep can also stop your secretion of the hormone cortisol. This is one of the hormones that helps to regulate your appetite.

You are Making Poor Diet Choices

Consistently over doing it on junk food during the weekend could be harming your weight loss goals far more than you realize. Research has shown time and time again that exercise alone can’t contribute to weight loss on a large scale (it does for weight management, though!), so you have to make sure that you are making the right changes to your diet, if possible. This doesn’t mean that you can’t treat yourself at all, but it does mean that you should be putting in the work to get the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. A lot of people think that they should avoid fat if they are trying to lose weight and even though this may be the case, you have to remember that it is good to eliminate it altogether. Fat is essential to your health, so try and opt for healthy fats instead. This can include avocado, olive oil, nuts, salmon, for example. If you want to make sure that you are making the most out of your fitness regime then it may be worth exploring Jason Huh's Steel Supplements.

You’re Not Watching Your Calorie Intake

A lot of people who have a hard time losing weight simply eat too many calories. One important factor when it comes to weight loss is watching your calories. You need to make sure that you are burning enough and that you are also not eating too much. If you can do this, then you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to get the results you’re looking for.

You’re Not Drinking Enough Water

Drinking a glass of water before you eat your meal can easily help you with your weight loss. In a single 12-week study, those who drank one liter of water before they ate ended up losing 44% more weight when compared to those who did not have any water at all. You have to make sure that you look into this if you want to lose weight properly.

You’re Working Out Too Much

One of the many reasons why burning calories through exercise may not result in weight loss is because if you workout too much on a weekly basis, then you will have a lot of inflammation in your body. All of this will add up and it will make you gain more weight than you are losing. Your body will also stop adapting to your workout routine as it becomes much more efficient. You need to try and mix up your routine now and again as this will stop you from plateauing and it will also help you to make the most out of your weight loss journey.

You Don’t Know Your Resting Metabolic Rate

Your resting metabolic rate will essentially define the amount of calories that you can burn. Knowledge of your metabolic rate will help you to work out the actual amount of calories you need in any given day. You can then help to create a calorie deficit by simply adjusting your intake. It will also help you to lose more weight if you use it in combination with other strategies. If you do not give your body the minimum amount of calories that it needs, then you may force your body into starvation mode, and this will mean that you burn less energy. This is the last thing that you need, so make sure that you are not eating too few calories for your own metabolism if possible.

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