Plan Your Next Healthy Vacation

Can you believe it’s been over three years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic? It’s nice to be back to normal now, but there are plenty of habits that I’ve held on to since the pandemic. Hey, I like not being sick! I’ve also found that there are lots of fun ways to relax and have fun close by.

Plan ahead so you can be spontaneous later

Look up some beautiful nature spots around your town you've meant to explore and make a list of places you'd like to visit over the coming months. If you have a list of ideas and you’ve done the legwork ahead of time, you’ll be more likely to pick up and go for the day or an overnight.

Focus on being outdoors for your activities

Look for national parks and outdoor landmarks to explore. Avoid being indoors for long periods with others that aren't in your household. The great outdoors, away from crowds or anyone you do not live with is the perfect equation for staying well. 

Stay hydrated

A dehydrated body is more prone to any illness. Make sure you and your family are consuming enough fresh water. You can also pack oranges and tangerines, which are easy to eat in the car, hydrating, and naturally give you vitamin C.

Make every meal nutritious

When your immunity is strong, it's much harder for you to get sick even when faced with germs. Bring healthy foods to cook while camping or look for restaurants that serve fresh meals made with lots of vegetables that you can order. 

Take probiotics and supplements

Supplements, like a good multi-vitamin, can give you the vitamins and minerals you might miss out on, even if you eat mostly healthy meals. By keeping these in balance, you reduce your chances of illness. Probiotics help by keeping your gut populated with healthy bacteria. Make sure you eat enough fiber to nourish them, though. Packing fruit like apples will help with that.

Always keep on top of hygiene

We learned so much about cleanliness practices so far this decade. Be mindful of the things you touch. Keep disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer with you everywhere you go. Please wash your hands often and watch where you put them, specifically your face. This will prevent spreading germs into your body, giving you the best defense to keep the germs at bay. 

Mindset Reset Guide

You feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders…and you are exhausted.

You’re fumbling through your day unfocused and anxious…and you just want to feel vibrant.

You’re going through the motions…but you want to feel more, see more, do more.

You want to live a life of brilliance.

I know exactly where you are right now, because I’ve been right where you are.

Grab my free Mindset Reset guide to figure out:

  • Conquering Your Thoughts
  • Avoiding Negativity
  • Nature Therapy
  • Letting Go of Control
  • Ways to Stay Positive
  • Dropping Resentment
  • Focus, Focus, Focus

Are you ready to set yourself free?

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