4 Self Care Tips To Keep You Positive

To engage in self-care, there are many things you can do to refresh yourself and regain your sparkle. It doesn't matter what you choose - the goal is to find out which self-care strategies work best for you, learn how to use them, and include them in your regular routine to improve your well-being not just today, but forever.

Here are some tips on getting started with self-care.

Take Care of Yourself by Getting Enough Sleep

A good night's sleep can have a huge impact on how you feel emotionally and physically. Sleep deprivation can even lead to health problems. Stress and other distractions can disrupt our sleep, however.

How do you include sleep in your self-care routine? Think about what you do every night. What do you do right before going to bed? During this time, you should avoid caffeine and sugar, which keep you awake.

Also important is reducing stress. Think of ways to relax more at work if you are experiencing work-related stress. You may be able to reduce your workload or settle a disagreement with a coworker by talking to your employer.

Ensure that your bedroom is conducive to REM sleep. Make sure you don't have any distractions in your bedroom (such as a TV, laptop, cell phone, etc.). Make sure you have room-darkening curtains so that the sun doesn't wake you up too early in the morning.

Include Daily Exercise in Your Self-Care Routine

Do we really know how beneficial exercise is to our health? Exercise can be beneficial for both physical and mental health, boosting your mood and reducing stress and anxiety, as well as helping you lose weight.

Try to incorporate other exercises into your schedule such as walking, tennis, or yoga instead of going to the gym every day. It's important to find something you enjoy doing.  It’s also important to be careful and not overdo things at the start. Instead, build up slowly, or you might accidentally injure yourself. If that does happen, make sure you find a good chiropractor to help you; not only will they be able to reduce your pain, but they might be able to reduce your stress levels too.

Organize Your Life for Your Own Good

The organization allows you to figure out exactly what you need to do to improve your health, so it is often the first step to becoming healthier. If you keep a planner or a calendar on your refrigerator, you can keep track of your responsibilities and schedules, while keeping your life a bit more organized. Make sure you have a place where you can keep keys, purses, backpacks, briefcases, and coats, and ensure that they're ready for the next day. Part of this should also include staying on top of appointments such as those for dental services

Get Outside for Some Self-Care

The benefits of spending time outdoors include reducing stress, lowering your blood pressure, and experiencing the moment. Studies have even shown that getting outside can reduce fatigue, which makes it an excellent way to deal with depression or burnout. Getting outside while doing physical activity, like gardening, hiking, or walking, can also help you sleep better at night.

Gratitude & Granola Guide

This is the perfect season to focus on gratitude, and when paired with a healthy breakfast, it creates the perfect morning ritual to get you on track.

It's no surprise that gratitude can improve your mental health and overall outlook on life, but you might not know that it has many benefits for your physical health, as well. In this guide, I'll take you through six ways gratitude improves your health - and I'll leave you with some simple, healthy breakfast ideas to boot. Get my free guide!

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