Are You Caring for Your Body? Here are Some Signs You're Not!

You go for a run in the morning and you eat apples during the day to keep the doctor away. In your mind, you’re doing more than enough to give your body support, right? Well, I hate to tell you this, but you might be wrong.

How you treat your body now will have an influence on how you age. It’s both health care and self care when you care for your body. With that in mind, we’ve got some signs that you are not looking after yourself well enough.

Your back always hurts

Are you the type of person who would always treat chronic back pain with a hot water bottle and hoping for the best instead of talking to a doctor to treat chronic back pain with surgery? As we get older and we put our bodies through their paces in life, sore and achy muscles feel par for the course. Here’s the thing: pain isn't a normal thing for the body to just deal with. If you are dealing with a sore back and that pain becomes chronic, you’ll need more than a home remedy. In addition to seeing a doctor to address your pain, practicing yoga and movement for flexibility is a good place to begin if you want to calm your body and help your back to stop feeling so painful.

You have chronic bad breath

A good sign that your personal hygiene isn't where it should be is your breath. We deal with different smells all day long but if your breath could kill your houseplants, you need to see your dentist about your oral health care routines. Quit smoking, floss and brush your teeth, and remember that being lazy with your oral hygiene is going to result in smelly breath. 

Your skin is breaking out

You expect a level of breaking out as a teenager and even during some hormonal times of life, but you shouldn't have to deal with constant spots. Instead of panicking about breaking out in acne, you should start looking after your skin better. Whatever it is that’s going on in your life that is leading your skin to stressfully break out, you need to look at reducing those stressors where you can. See your dermatologist to help you address all aspects of your skin health.

Your bedroom activity has slowed down

Gained weight recently? Dealing with a lot of stress? These are just some of the things that can contribute to a low sex drive. Looking after your body by exercising and eating well will help you to get your sex drive back and give you something exciting to look forward to in the bedroom again.

Your body should feel good no matter how old you are, and these are just the beginning of the signs you should notice if things don't feel so good.

The 5 Most Important Health Concerns for Women Guide

Do you feel overwhelmed by all of the health concerns and screenings you hear you should pay attention to?

Do you need a quick and simple low-down on what you should be concerned about?

I used to put off health screenings and finding out about my risk levels. In an effort to make sure you don’t behave like the old me, my guide highlights the health concerns you should be monitoring and give you risk factors for them. Get my guide to learn about your risks for:

  • Breast cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Obesity
  • Colon cancer
  • Type-2 diabetes
  • Cervical cancer
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