Boost Your Confidence


You work hard on your health, which is hugely important, since that energy and that glow from within makes you look and feel great. Want to boost your confidence even more as you continue to work on your health goals? I have some suggestions for confidence-boosting beauty ideas.

Look at what you’re putting into your body

One of the most common reasons we feel self-conscious is that our skin isn't in great condition or that our weight is heavier than we believe it should be. This might make you feel uncomfortable about your appearance. Evaluate your eating habits to determine if there are any areas where you may improve. Eating healthily and drinking lots of water will help you maintain your skin's radiance while also preventing you from gaining weight. Eating well and drinking plenty of water also helps promote better sleep and positive mental health, so it’s definitely worth looking into.

Have some treatments to enhance your appearance

Consider having a massage, a facial, getting your nails done to see if these may help you feel more confident in yourself. Sometimes it’s worth a little pampering!

While no one should ever feel compelled to modify their appearance in order to feel more attractive, it may be a useful tool for those of us who are unhappy with our appearance and wish to make changes. For example, if you’re conscious about how straight your teeth are, you may consider looking into cosmetic dentistry. There are plenty of options available, and you can read more about them here:

Switch up your makeup regime

If you've been wearing the same make-up for years, experiment with fresh make-up styles to see if you can discover one you like and are comfortable wearing. If you're confused about how to apply make-up to compliment your face features and form, go to Sephora for a consultation. It’s fun!

Take good care of your hair

It's easy to vary up hairstyle to suit your preferences, no matter what type of hair you have. This does need you to take excellent care of your hair, so avoid over-washing it (which may cause it to become dry and brittle) and apply a deep conditioning treatment once a week or so. Taking care of your hair so you may continue to style it the way you want it can boost your self-esteem!

Self-Love Challenge

Self-love.You hear the term all the time, but have you been able to tap into what that means for you?

The truth is that we’re exhausted.

We’re tired way beyond sleep deprivation.

Our hearts are overworked, and we need to get to the bottom of it.

Imagine speaking to yourself with kindness...the way you do a best friend, so you create more good-feeling moments instead of guilt.

Imagine stopping those negative thoughts right in their tracks, before they seep into your heart and you begin to believe them.

Imagine setting boundaries to protect yourself from the stress that's weighing you down, so you can finally feel lighter and more fulfilled.

We have so much to unpack, and we're doing just that in this FREE 7-day Self-Love Challenge.

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