Don't Miss Out on Festive Favorites

It know this is a deviation from my normal all-health-food-all-the-time post, but you deserve to have some celebratory treats this time of year. There are two ways to approach the festive season; choose to go with the tried and tested recipes you use every year or try something a bit different. I thought I’d give you some British-inspired ideas!

Mince Pies 

In Britain, festive season would not be complete without the presence of warm mince pies. These seasonal favorites can be bought in speciality stores throughout December and warmed in the oven, but where’s the fun in that. Why not bake your own instead and give them a personal spin. Adding Baileys to your mince pies is a perfect way to create original festive treats that are worth the effort.

Christmas Cake 

Christmas cake is rich and heavy; it’s the perfect treat to have post-meal with a glass of sherry. Christmas cake is made with an assortment of currents, raisins, berries, oranges, lemons, cherry, as well as all the basic ingredients you might expect when you make a delicious cake. This is a big project, so start early and follow a good recipe.   

Pound Cake 

A pound cake is simple to make and delicious. The pound cake has a long history; it reaches back to the 1700s when it was made using a pound of everything, a pound of butter, sugar, flour, and eggs.

Chocolate and Pistachio Tiffin 

I wasn’t familiar with tiffin until recently. It’s kind of like if fudge and trail mix had a delicious baby. Tiffin makes the ideal addition to a mug of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate on a chilly evening. Follow this tiffin recipe for the best results.   

Gingerbread Men 

Gingerbread men are a favorite in the US as well. Gingerbread men are not only easy to make; they are tasty and keep for a long time, so you always have some to snack on or to offer your guests when they come to visit. 

A Sharing Eclair 

Eclair comes from France and means “flash of lightning” because they are so delicious they disappear. To make an eclair, you need flour, milk, butter, sugar, salt, and eggs for the dough. For the filling, use whipped cream and some chocolate for a topping: see this recipe.  

Oreo Balls 

Last but not least, you might consider making some Oreo Balls. If you haven’t heard of these before, they are a delicious and innovative approach to an Oreo recipe. Oreo Balls are made using Oreo cookies and cream cheese combined to make a tasty dessert. 

Happy holidays! Enjoy a treat.

Present for the Holidays Guide

Do the holidays make you feel frazzled and stressed out?

Whether it’s trying to prepare an epic feast, shop for the perfect gifts, or listen to your distant family members fumble through a conversation -- it can be a huge challenge to stay present and mindful during the holiday season so that you can genuinely enjoy them.

Throughout this FREE guide, I will take you through each of the steps that help me stay present and joyful during the holidays.

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