Easy Ways to Go Green

Are you looking to go greener in your home? There are plenty of greener cleaning options to use that still get the job done.

Change up your cleaners

The biggest change you can make to create a more green home is to swap your traditional cleaners with natural ones. You can find non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning products in the most stores, or you can make your own just as easily. Baking soda makes for a fantastic naturally-effective cleaner that can even get soap scum up with minimal effort. Tea tree and citrus oils are great for disinfecting. So is white vinegar. And if you want your toilet to sparkle, use white vinegar with a little borax.

End the cycle of paper towels

Micro-fiber cloths can attract dirt all on their own. Dampen them up, and you’ll find they make short work of cleaning stainless steel, wood, glass, ceramics, and glass. Unlike paper towels, you can use them again and again to polish, dust and shine up the surfaces in your home.

Find a natural way to make bugs bug off

Instead of using the bug spray we're all used to, seal cracks and holes near entryways, baseboards, and windowsills to prevent bugs from finding their way in. And for repelling them, use combinations of essential oils like rosemary, citronella, eucalyptus, lavender or mint with witch hazel to create a spray for your skin that keeps mosquitoes and other pests from bothering you and your kids.

Add live plants inside your home

Plants are not only a great way to add some life to your home, but they also serve as natural ways to filter your air. Some plants can even pull out harmful toxins that come from the chemicals used to treat your furniture, your electronics, and carpets. The best plants to do the job are palm trees, spider plant, Boston fern, ficus, snake plant, aloe vera, and the bamboo palm, to name a few. Place a plant in every room, more depending on the size of the space, and you’ll be able to breathe easier thanks to your new green friends.

Spring into Health Guide

Spring has arrived, and the innate desire to change things up, tidy our lives, and make improvements is in full swing.

This extends far beyond cleaning out our closet to donate old clothes -- it's the perfect time of year to focus on YOU and your healthy habits, too.

Grab this FREE guide if:

- You've been feeling like you're ready to make some changes in your life but aren't sure where to start

- Healthy lifestyles feel overwhelming and intimidatig, like you have to change everything for it to work (not true!)

- You're willing to try some small changes over 7 days to see how easy and manageable a healthy lifestyle can be

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