Helping Your Kids Take Great Care of Their Teeth

Though I’m usually 100%-focused on you, sometimes I have health advice to pass along to your whole family. In this post, we’ll be laying the foundations so that your kids can benefit from great lifelong oral health. Thankfully, it can be an easy task to achieve when you follow a few simple steps. This post contains some advice that you can take on board to help your children look after their teeth, so what are you waiting for? Read on to discover more! 

Limit Their Sugar Intake 

One of the best steps that you can follow if you want your kids to stand the best chance of maintaining great oral health is to limit their sugar intake. Sugar is an ingredient that provides us with no benefits whatsoever (well, other than deliciousness), and it can wreak havoc for your teeth and mouth hygiene as a whole. Sugar combines with the bacteria in your saliva and can encourage plaque and even lead to tooth degradation in the form of cavities and more, so the less sugar your kids eat, the better their oral health! Encourage them to eat natural sugars whenever they want to eat something sweet, as the fructose in fruit is much less harsh than processed white sugar. When they do eat something sweet, make sure they swill their mouth with water afterward, or even better ask them to brush their teeth if you’re at home. 

Make Sure They Brush Well 

Thorough tooth brushing is a key aspect of great oral health and hygiene, but unfortunately many kids fail to brush their teeth properly. Whether they miss out key areas or simply don’t brush their teeth for long enough, it’s vital that you can step in and show them how it’s done. It’s a good idea to brush your teeth at the same time as your child, as this way you can set a good example while also making sure they are brushing their teeth well. Ensure that they always spit out the toothpaste when they are done brushing, as children often make the mistake of swallowing the high-fluoride mixture which can carry a whole host of different risks and dangers. 

Get Expert Support 

There are some things that you simply cannot do as a parent, such as performing professional dental work on your little one when they have a problem. In such an instance, you need to make sure you get expert support as soon as you notice something is wrong with your child. For example, if they are struggling to eat, if they are talking differently or if their face appears swollen, then you need to get in touch with a family dentistry office and book an appointment sooner rather than later. Allowing problems to fester will lead to more issues further down the line. 

Gratitude & Granola Guide

This is the perfect season to focus on gratitude, and when paired with a healthy breakfast, it creates the perfect morning ritual to get you on track.

It's no surprise that gratitude can improve your mental health and overall outlook on life, but you might not know that it has many benefits for your physical health, as well. In this guide, I'll take you through six ways gratitude improves your health - and I'll leave you with some simple, healthy breakfast ideas to boot. Get my free guide!

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