How to Battle Those Spring Allergies Naturally

Springtime is most certainly a time of rebirth, but with that renewed natural beauty comes all the common allergies that leave our heads stuffy and our eyes itchy. Before that last thaw happens, follow these tricks to battling those spring allergies so you can truly smell the roses and actually enjoy them!

Apple cider vinegar with the mother

Apple cider vinegar with the mother refers to the colony of beneficial bacteria that creates vinegar through a secondary process of fermentation. It helps break up the mucus in your body so you can breathe again. My favorite way to consume it is with hot water, a squeeze of fresh lemon and a dollop of raw honey. Give it a try.

Go for the pro

Probiotics that is. Keeping your gut bacteria healthy is another way to support your immune system and stop those pesky allergies from making you sneeze. Foods like sauerkraut and kimchi naturally contain them, and kombucha is a great drink to soak in the probiotic properties.

Use a nasal irrigation tool

Some people swear by it while others are afraid to try it out, but nasal irrigation can bring you intense relief. A standard way to make this happen is through use of a Neti pot or a bulb syringe. It’s useful for relieving hay fever symptoms, but if you’re going to try it, make sure you do it right!

Hot steamy showers

Steam up the bathroom with the hottest water your shower can emit, then hop on in. It helps clear out your sinuses and also enables you to rinse away the pollen that has landed on you while you’ve been outdoors. Word to the wise though: hot water is incredibly drying for your skin so be sure to moisturize as soon as you towel off.

Use essential oils

In particular, eucalyptus, lemon, lavender and peppermint essential oils are revered for allergy relief and anti-inflammatory properties. Just add a few drops to your diffuser and put it in your room or office. You can also massage some onto your chest to breathe in the reinvigorating fragrance all day long.

Spice things up

Choose spicier foods to clear things up. You can eat foods with spicy peppers or onions and garlic, or combine pungent with spice for amazing results. These all thin out the mucus in your body. Allergy season will soon pass by quickly, but if you suffer from allergy symptoms, it will feel like a much longer time until summer. Take care of your allergies with these easy tips to feel your best this spring!

Understanding Food Cravings Guide

Cravings are something we all deal with, and it's fascinating how deep the meaning goes for why we crave certain things. I used to drive myself nuts trying to ignore my food cravings – especially when I was stressed out. Now, I find that there is a rhyme and reason to what I crave and that listening a little more closely to my body helps me avoid them.

Let’s figure out where your cravings are coming from, how to satisfy them in a healthy way, and how to ditch them in the future. Download my free guide!

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