How to Feel More Beautiful

Feeling beautiful is far more than just looking pretty. Beauty is deeper than that. It is about feeling confident and self-assured

If you are having a lot of low mood days, then maybe you need to change a few lifestyle habits, build up those levels of confidence and enable you to feel more attractive and beautiful. Here are a few ideas. 


Exercise is important for feeling beautiful - but not in the way you think! First of all, it will boost your happiness levels by increasing serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain - these are happy chemicals. Second of all, it will reduce your stress levels by combating adrenaline and cortisol.

Show Gratitude

If you are one for dwelling on the negative and focusing on your bad parts, then you are not going to feel beautiful. Instead, you need to swap negative thinking patterns for positive ones and show yourself a little gratitude. What are your strengths? What are you grateful for? Maybe you have beautiful luscious hair or are a great swimmer. It doesn't matter. Everyone has something that are good at. If you can begin to change the way you think by injecting a monster of gratitude into your life you will feel more confident and beautiful as a result.

Treat Yourself

A good treat every now and again can have a hugely positive impact on the way you feel. If you are concerned with feeling beautiful, then you need to concentrate on things that will help you achieve this, such as a new wardrobe, a spa day, a massage, or even getting dental implants. Imagine being able to smile properly without the fear that people will judge your teeth. Smiling in itself is a sign of attractiveness and can definitely change the way you feel about yourself. A treat is a way to say that you are worth it, you are beautiful, and you deserve some great things. If you are interested in a new wardrobe, ensure that you work with your body type rather than against it. Being honest and dressing to accentuate your positives will go a long way to making you feel better too. 


A huge factor in the way we feel stems front he food we consume. If you are always eating fatty, sugary things, then you will feel sluggish and gross. Eating fruit and vegetables is not only good for you, but they are filled with the right nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs. This will make your skin, hair, and nails become more radiant as well as help you lose weight.

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