The 5 Healthiest Warm Drinks to Cozy Up with This Fall

Winter is just around the corner, but before the frigidness sets in, let's enjoy the crispness of autumn. Make something warm to cozy up with when the wind whips around the corner, sending a cascade of colorful autumn leaves swirling around.

While we all tend to fantasize about those fall favorite warm drinks we love, you can stay on track with these five options. Each one will give you the warm fuzzies with zero guilt -- and they're even beneficial for your health!

Lemon Turmeric Water

Lemon and turmeric are star-studded ingredients in the health world. Combine them in hot water along with red chili powder to help give your metabolism a boost, and you'll have a tasty and healthy drink to enjoy all autumn long. With a pinch of both coarse sea salt and raw honey, the flavor is lovely and unique. 

Apple Cider 

One of the best things about fall is the apple harvest. A simple warm glass of apple cider with a real cinnamon stick is something you can enjoy often. If you're not making your own, avoid any brands that add gobs of sugar. Stick to natural stuff, and you'll get plenty of vitamin C and pectin. The cinnamon stick helps blood sugar control while encouraging proper digestion -- something that can help you after any meal. 

Ginger Tea

Ginger is a beloved anti-inflammatory that has been used for centuries in many cultures. Simply making thin slices of fresh ginger root and adding them to boiling water creates a ginger tea. Strain out the ginger, and you've got the perfect ginger tea that helps digestion, encourages bone health, and even can relieve coughing. While it's delicious as it is, if you need sweetness, add in some raw organic honey, which has plenty of benefits of its own. 

A Healthier Pumpkin Spice Coffee

No fall drink list would be complete without the iconic PSL. Yet it's not exactly a healthy option, even if pumpkin itself IS good for you. At home, you can make it in a flash. Simply brew your favorite coffee with pumpkin pie spice added to your coffee grounds. Then, add nonfat almond milk to get that creamy and rich feeling. It's delicious - I assure you!

Low-Cal Hot Chocolate

You can easily cheat by heating up a glass of chocolate almond milk. But, if you'd prefer a more indulgent affair, heat nonfat milk and then stir in a tablespoon of unsweetened raw cacao powder. You'll get that warm, chocolatey feeling from head to toe.

Get My FREE Pumpkin Perks Guide!

Pumpkin season has arrived!

People go crazy over pumpkin season, finding anything and everything to flavor their favorite fall flavor -- but before you carve one up to put on your porch for Halloween, grab a few small ones to use in your kitchen. Pumpkins have incredible health perks you should be taking advantage of (I don't have to tell you twice to consume more pumpkin, do I!?).

In my Pumpkin Perks guide, you'll find out some of the many health benefits of eating pumpkins along with recipes to pump up your season.

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