Tips for Motivating Yourself to Exercise


If you don’t feel like exercising - but know you should - then, you are not alone. For many people, it can be hard to motivate yourself to workout, especially if you don’t particularly enjoy exercising but are doing it for your health. Luckily, there are many ways to motivate yourself to workout, from buying new fitness clothes to exercising with a friend. I know how hard it is, so I have four ways to push yourself to exercise when you are struggling with motivation. 

Exercise with a Friend or Family Member 

Friends or family members are a great way to get that added motivation to workout. Not only can you get competitive with them, but they will push you to work that little bit harder - and it’s just fun to exercise with someone else. Why not rotate what you do, choosing something you want to do one week and then something they want to do the next? It’s recommended you get at least 25 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity three days per week, so why not work out with a few different friends or family members to achieve this?

New Sports Clothing 

When you buy some new workout clothes, there is always that added motivation since you want to wear them! If you are struggling to get to the gym or do your workout, then why not use this as an excuse to buy some new clothes from a company like Curves N Combatboots? In addition to the added motivation, new clothes can be more comfortable and allow you to perform better.

Join a Club

If you enjoy running, there are many running clubs that you can join. By joining a club, you can train with like-minded people. It’s also a great way to meet new people, and you’ll be less likely to cancel since you won’t want to let them down. There are many fitness apps that you can use to track your progress in your chosen area. You could even invite your new friends to join you to get competitive! If you would like to try something new, a club could be a great way to try something different and spark your motivation again. 

Follow Fitness Accounts on Social Media 

When used in the right way, social media is a great tool - especially for fitness motivation! Why not check out Instagram, Facebook, or your favorite platform and follow some fitness influencers? These influencers are great for motivating you and discovering new people who will inspire you. There is a whole range of influencers who you can follow, varying depending on the sport or exercise they like doing.

Fitness Cheat Sheet

Have you decided to start a new fitness program?

Do you want to know the most direct ways to get from zero to success with your routine?

We all know that fitness goals aren't always easy to achieve, and just getting started with a new fitness program can get stalled out in that stage.

Use this cheat sheet to make sure you've got everything in place to turn your fitness goals into reality! This cheat sheet includes:

  • Getting started
  • Goal setting
  • Tracking progress
  • Staying motivated

Click to get it now!

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