Turkey and Broccoli Stir Fry

Serves 2

  • 100g black rice noodles

  • 200g turkey fillet, chopped

  • 500g broccoli, diced into florets

  • 1 tbsp. olive oil

  • 4 tbsp. soy or tamari sauce

  • 2 tsp. sesame oil

  • 1 tbsp. rice vinegar

  • 1 tbsp. grated ginger

  • 2 tbsp. spring onion, chopped

  • handful cilantro, to serve

Cook the noodles according to the instructions on the packaging. Strain and rinse with cold water, then set aside.

In a wok or deep pan, heat the olive oil and fry the turkey for about 3-4 minutes. Add in the broccoli florets and fry for another 1-2 minutes. Next, pour half a cup of water and 3 tbsp. of soy sauce, then cook until all the water evaporates and the broccoli is tender (about 10 mins).

In the meantime, mix together the remaining soy sauce, sesame oil, vinegar, grated ginger, and mix well.

Once turkey and broccoli are ready, add in the earlier cooked noodles and heat it for a 2-3 minutes. Take off the heat, pour in the sauce and gently mix.

Serve with chopped spring onions and cilantro leaves.

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Since pool workouts are fun and can be done with or without equipment, they provide better encouragement to workout because you are also having a good time. This makes it much easier to stick with your workouts!

In this guide, you will find different options for water workouts, from how to get a better workout while swimming, to types of moves you can do in the water with your family. Get my guide now!

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