Vegan Orange Chocolate Mousse

Serves 4

  • 1 cup sweet potato, peeled and cooked (0.5 lb sweet potato)

  • ½ cup smooth peanut butter

  • ½ cup natural cocoa powder

  • 6 tbsp. maple syrup

  • 1 tsp. orange zest

  • ½ cup chickpea brine

  • ½ tsp. lemon juice

Place cooked sweet potato and peanut butter in a food processor. Process until smooth and, then add cocoa powder, maple syrup, and orange zest, blend again until smooth.

Place chickpea brine in a clean bowl. Add lemon juice and whip with a hand mixer until you achieve stiff peaks (this can take around 3-6 mins) – you should be able to invert the bowl, and the whipped brine should not move an inch.

 Fold whipped chickpea brine into the chocolate and mix until well combined. The mixture will deflate slightly. Spoon the mixture between 4 small serving glasses and place in the fridge for 8 hours (or overnight) for the mousse to set.

Quick Recipes for Busy Mornings

It's easy to eat a nice breakfast on weekends, but the other five days of the week are typically busy mornings where we aren’t granted that luxury.

Check out this short guide to some of my favorite quick, healthy breakfast recipes for those busy mornings!

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