Deep Sleeping Tips - How to Sleep Well, Naturally


Statistics show that only about a third of all people are getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night. The quality of sleep, and ultimately the quality of life, of many people, are compromised due to not being well rested. I fully understand busy weeks or months, but if this becomes a trend in your life, it's something worth taking a look at. So, what should you do to boost the amount of rest you get, naturally and effectively?

Here are a few of my favorite ways to do just that.

1. Turn off the phone

Light tells our brains that it is time to get up and move, and halts melatonin production. Therefore, when you are trying to get some sleep, doing things like regularly checking your phone, watching TV, etc., can prevent you from getting any restful sleep once you do close your eyes. About an hour before bed, turn off your phone, and keep it away from your bed so you are not tempted to check it at night. Believe me, after the initial uncomfortable feeling of not having your phone nearby, you'll absolutely love the feeling of being disconnected for a short while.

2. Exercise during the day

Sometimes, the reason why we can’t get any sleep is that we have built up energy. One way to release that is by going for a walk, a long jog around your favorite park, or some cardio activity for 30 minutes to an hour every day. Doing so will cause you to expend that energy, and get to sleep much faster. But, try to do this well before bedtime, since exercise can amp you up for a little bit after you finish.

3. Use your bed only for sleeping

A lot of people like to use their bed as a kind of workstation. They will do work on their bed, talk to people on the phone while on it, and even eat while on their beds sometimes. This habit can cause your mind to stop associating the bed with sleep, and start associating it with activity. When this happens, it can prevent you from getting restful sleep and can affect your quality of sleep in the long run. So keep your bed as a sacred spot for relaxation and rest, and you'll be well on your way to a good nights sleep.

4. Develop a routine

When it comes to getting to bed, a lot of people don’t or can’t develop a regular sleep schedule. Not having a schedule you follow can become an issue if you have a flexible work schedule, for instance. When no boundaries are in place, it's much easier to fall off track. Set some bedtime boundaries and follow them as closely as possible, and you'll quickly notice what a difference it makes.

Having a good routine and healthy sleeping habits will increase both your quality of sleep and your quality of life in the long run. It is imperative to prevent doing things that can negatively affect your sleep schedule, and work to get your circadian rhythm into balance naturally.

Endless Energy Guide

Do you have a list of things you want and need to do, but you can barely muster the energy to care?

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In this guide, I’ll show you what I’ve done to have far more energy than I did in my younger years.

We’ll go over managing your natural energy cycle and some habits you can cultivate to make the most of your energy cycle.

I’ll bet you have Things. To. Do. So, download my guide, and let’s get you a dose of energy so you can go out and do everything you want to do!

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