Foods that Fill Your Energy Reserves

Reaching for the coffee is something we're accustomed to doing when we need a boost of energy. Instead of reaching for a quick boost that also comes with a crash soon after, let the food you eat fuel your energy naturally. By choosing the right food and adding them to your daily routines, you can pump up the power to conquer anything that comes your way. Here are some of my favorite energy-boosting foods for the next time you're feeling sluggish.


This ancient grain is a fabulous source of proteins and amino acids, along with plenty of other stuff too. Because it’s so dense with nutrients, this kind carb is ideal for maintaining high energy levels for longer.


Scoop out the inside of a cucumber sliced lengthwise for a carb-less “bun” and stuff it with tuna fish. It makes a satisfying lunch that will beat that mid-day slump so you can trudge on through the rest of your day without defeat.

Lentils and beans

An economical way to boost your energy is with lentils and beans. They each have tons of fiber which keeps your blood sugar levels steady, ideal for maintaining energy all day long.


With plenty of vitamin C, oranges are a smart choice for boosting immunity and for increasing energy too. Have them with lunch before returning to work, and you’ll feel even-keeled all afternoon.


Nuts like almonds, cashews, pistachios, and even natural peanut butter contain the nutrients and essential fats you need, along with protein, too. They make a great on-the-go snack that provides a satisfying crunch anytime you need a bite.


Spinach is rich in amino acids that will keep you going all day long. Spinach is also an easy food to add to almost any recipe, so sneak it in as much as possible.

Dark chocolate

And, finally, let’s end on a sweet note. Real dark chocolate, with at least 80% cacao, is a mega-energy booster. Savor a square of the good stuff, and you’ll be good to go. Plus, you’ll satisfy that sweet tooth all in one fell swoop.

Start adding these foods to your meals and see how much more energetic you feel!

Boost Your Energy in 3 Simple Steps Guide!

Discover 3 surefire ways to boost your energy now in my FREE Boost Your Energy in 3 Simple Steps guide! You’ll learn:

  • Why your morning ritual could be the #1 thing that’s making you tired
  • Why your cravings can actually help you have more energy
  • How doing what your parents told you as a kid will help you get more energy now
  • A proven method to boost your energy instantly - anytime, anywhere
  • How to avoid the 3 pm slump
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